Thursday, June 18, 2009

A note on the title that is given for the name of this blog

Ruminant Mammal. Surely a much more sophisticated title. Inherent religious, evolutionary, even philosophical symbolism can be found in that title. Each of which very definitely pertains to my brother Danny. And although my title includes animals that are non-kosher it relates to my brothers blog that may be forever stopped. Ruminant mammals have a system that digests plants through a series of chambers in the abdomen. Clearly humans are not such creatures. Monogastric (pigs, humans, horses etc) creatures have only one chamber. A chamber which enjoys occasionally digesting meat.

By labeling myself as a Monogastric Mammal I reduce my title to pure adjectivity. I might as well call my blog Caucasian Male. I particularly do not want to write a blog like one writes a journal. After having read both my brother Danny's blog as well as the Guide to Writing Style in the Digital Age, I want something novel. Grammar, punctuation. Hah who needs them. Colloquial sayings and terse incomplete sentences. That is what writing online is all about.

This is not professional. This is not some analysis of business statistics or a report on chemical runoff from a nearby firm. This is, forgive the irony, the ruminations (philosophically) of a Monogastric Mammal sitting in the heat of an unforgiving desert in the middle of supreme economic turmoil.

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